Author: laughingmatterstudios

  • Weekly Update #6

    Weekly Update #6

    Good day! We hope you’re doing well. Last week was a bit challenging for us as most of our team members were either sick or dealing with allergies. However, we’re happy to share that we are back to work and ready to dive into some exciting projects. Firstly, we’re thrilled to announce that we have…

  • Week 4 Update

    Okay, so to start, this was supposed to release last Friday, but Taylor was out and he needed to sign off on the information prior to releasing the update. He’s back, we’re back, let’s move forward. While nothin much on the outside has been going on, we have been hard at work moving blocks around…

  • Week 3 Update

    We closed out 2023 on a fantastic note! Last year proved to be a challenge on for several of our team members, but everyone pulled through and LMStudios is now doing better than ever before! One of our own resolutions as a team is to push community engagement. We aren’t about just making content and…

  • Pocket Slac-Man

    To kick off the new year, we just released our first arcade game of the year, and it’s a challenge! Pocket Slac-Man is a take on the classic game, Pac-Man, but you’re on a single line, with a single enemy. Eat all the dots and more will appear! We’ve got to add an original soundtrack…

  • Site Update

    We’re going to be doing some backend work on the website. There may be some visual oddities during this process as it related to the theme of the site, but everything will still be functional. This should only apply to today. We will update everyone if it will be taking longer.

  • Exciting Updates Coming to Asterfield!

    Great news for all Asterfield fans! We are thrilled to announce that our team is back in action, working diligently on the game. We are excited to release a major patch within the next few days, with Friday being the absolute latest. This upcoming patch will introduce a host of exciting new features that will…

  • Asterfield Is Live!

    Our third game from our Arcade series (sixth game overall) is live on our Games pages! Now, we do want to iterate that while Asterfield is playable in browser, it’s only playable on PC browsers at the moment. We will be working soon on making it playable in all browsers soon enough, but development at…

  • Frosthopper Down

    We recently announced Asterfield, which WOULD have been the first Incursia brand videogame. We want to provide a brief update, though. All of our games so far are playable due to being uploaded to (as well as Newgrounds and Gamejolt) and then embeded directly onto features daily game jams or challenges, and…

  • WHEELY MANNERS Update Is Live

    Wheely Manners has received its first update. There is now a character selection screen. The higher your score, the more characters you unlock. At the time of writing, only one new character has been added, but more are on the way. We are heavily working on an Incursia-themed clone of Asteroids for our browser arcade,…

  • Another Update

    So we’ve been hard at work maintaining the website, deving arcade games, and firing the animation department again, but we wanted to drop a few quick updates! First up on the list is that the next arcade game is an Incursia take on the classic Asteroids arcade game. You’ll be a miner piloting a small…