
Comedian Taylor W. Wilson founded LMS shortly after releasing his first novel Dark Matter: Code Red in 2018. He immediately began drawing the Table Manners comic strip, reinventing it and making it into a lasting comic.

The original concept of Laughing Matter Studios was that we wanted to bring comedy to the world without boundaries. In 2013, Taylor founded Taylor Productions. The studio was meant to produce entertainment of all genres, but fell short of doing more than a few of the original Table Manners comic strips. The first iteration of the studio faded away.

In 2018, Taylor felt the time had come to reboot. The goal was comedy for everyone, though plans were set to release content of varying genres. The Incursia franchise was the first to form, displaying Laughing Matter Studios’ action side. In the same month, Table Manners was rebooted. The comic strip laid out the comedy genre. In 2020, the studio showed our capabilities as a video game developer. That’s My Book!!! was a short video game built to run on PC and (now for the exciting part) the original Nintendo Gameboy.

In 2021, the studio brought Table Manners into a whole new medium, releasing the game Table Manners: Worm-Cation. The game, like That’s My Book!!!, was released via HTML and Gameboy Color ROM and featured the cast of Table Manners trying to save the world from giant worms.

While it would be a while before the next game, Laughing Matter Studios, LMStudios for short at this point, would release the next game in late 2023. At this time, it was announce that they would release several “micro” games based on arcade classic, but using Table Manners and Incursia aesthetics. 

Laughing Matter Studios continues to create content as often as possible. We have big plans for the future!