We recently announced Asterfield, which WOULD have been the first Incursia brand videogame. We want to provide a brief update, though. All of our games so far are playable due to being uploaded to Itch.io (as well as Newgrounds and Gamejolt) and then embeded directly onto LMStudios.online. Itch.io features daily game jams or challenges, and we enrolled in an FPS game jam. The jam began last Friday and ends this upcoming Sunday.

This is a huge deal for us as we have never done an FPS until now. Today, we wanted to announce the game is titled Frosthopper Down and will be releasing Sunday when we submit to the game jam.

Frosthopper Down is set on Arctica, a planet in the Devil’s Doorway within the Incursia series. You are part of a crew of crash survivors and will need to navigate terrain to locate parts that broke off furing the descent of Frosthopper I. Now, if you know anything about Arctica, you should remember that the planet is swarmed with Ice Weavers, a species of communal giant spiders with venom that keeps you alive while you innards are liquified and devoured. Ice Weavers are the apex predator and will be featured in the game, though there may be more enemies put in if time permits. We do plan on updating the game after the contest, so this is a sort of demo.

Frosthopper Down will release but will not be polished. Most assets are AI generated “placeholder” models until we are able to go in and rebuild the game after the game jam. We look forward to showing off the first installment of the Incursia videogame series!