Taylor here. I just want to drop a brief update. We announced last week that we have a surprise game dropping soon. I want to elaborate a bit on how this will release. We will be releasing the game first onto our website for browser-based play first. We’re getting the music ironed out at the moment, then you should see the first version of the game pop up here shortly after. Current platforms confirmed are PC, HTML, and Android. I would LIKE to push the game to the App Store for you Apple users, but it may not be something LMStudios is able to do at the time. However, you’ll still have access to the browser game. I got you covered there!

This is the start of a smaller project, but it’s going to be fun. We’re bringing back some classic arcade games in our own comedic way! I can’t wait to get this one out and get on with the next!

-Taylor W. Wilson